Friday, August 27, 2004

Workplace Comic

So I've been thinking of creating a comic based on gellen and my workplace, which could result in much hilarity.... however it also could result in my chastising/firing...

hmm decisions decisions.

heres an example:

Sharma (the indian): Gud Marneeing Angels!!!
Charlie's Angels: Good morning Sharmy!!!

Note that this is an in joke that I don't think anyone will get, however I'm sure I can add enough slapstick to ensure hilarity.

Another example:
Donna: Hi I'm Donna I'm annoying
Nabil: One Hundred Twenty Eight Megabyte (falls backwards, crowd laughs)


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Vishnu Flu

Vishnu Flu
noun. vish'noo floo

A form of influenza that is contracted from natives of the country of India. Is usually associated with sneezing, coughing, hocking up gollies in the toilet really loudly, turning the hot tap on really hot then not turning cold on afterwards so Laurie burns his hands, using "OK" as a farewell gesture, and constantly saying "that is fine".

Vishnu Flu is an ongoing sickness to Indian vegetarians as they do not get enough nourishment to maintain their immune systems.

Rare cases of Advanced Vishnu Flu (AVF) have been reported after an Indian returns from their native country, or after a member of the family returns from their native country.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Hi my names donna I dont do anything

I'm sending my monitor back for replacement, and keep in mind that I gave the monitor to Donna at 11am today.

Me: whens my monitor being picked up by the courier?

Donna: Tomorrow, the last pickup was at 3 and I was on lunch

You fat bitch I gave it to you at 11am, thats 4 hours you had while you were gorging yourself to organise a courier for the monitor.

Another blonde kappa moment brought to you by asia

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
i sure got me some muse tickets to ebay

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
oh my god

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
for what??

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
how much

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
$61.40 each

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
they were previously sold out but they moved from the arena to the riverstage

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
how much were they to buy

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
like not from ebay

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
$61.40 each

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
you idiot

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
i said i have them for ebay

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
not from

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
oh rite

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
i get it

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
so you bought tickets to sell on ebay

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
what if you loose money??

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
its a gamble im willing to take

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
im sure ill be able to find ppl to come anyway

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
it was previously sold out in like 15 minutes so im guessing ill be able to do it

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
you little ontroperner you!

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
consider yourself blogged

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:
i have no how to speel

kapp - DO NOT ENTER porn filming in progress!!!:

Yitsel@Work - monitor goes back today:
dig up

Ahh poor kappa, we love ya :P

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Spamming KoC Players

So i thought i'd jump on the KoC spam wagon, spamming people to become my officers. Heres the message I've been sending out.

Hi I'm yitsel,

Please read this message, I'm sure you will find it highly relevant.

I'm currently recruiting officers for my command chain.

when you become my officer you will receive the following benefits:

1. A FREE peanut
2. A FREE french bread stick coated in your choice of dip (currently only mexican salsa and hommus are available)
3. FALSE PROMISES to protect you and your army when you are targetted
4. A TRAINED MONKEY which is trained to play kings of chaos, resulting in your account being attended 24 HOURS A DAY (diapers not included)

Why join Us:
Hell, ISNT THE MONKEY ENOUGH? You get the peanut, the french bread stick with your CHOICE of dip, the FALSE PROMISES, AND the MONKEY for the simple task of switching commanders to myself.

I'll even throw in a briefcase in which you can keep the monkey when you wish to play KoC yourself

Your next step:
Think About it... do you want your VERY OWN MONKEY, complete with FALSE PROMISES?

This is what you do:
1. Click My name.
2. Click "Make yitsel my commander!"
3. Eagerly wait outside your house for your mailman to deliver your very own TRAINED KOC PLAYING MONKEY, COMPLETE WITH BREAD STICK, PEANUT and FALSE PROMISES

Please note that while all proper precautions will be taken, there is no guarantee that the monkey will not eat the peanut and breadstick while in transit.

Conversations with 13 year olds on Kings of Chaos

ok i need to set the scene, so heres what started it

I had a lot of cash in my KoC account, along with lots of attack turns. So i decided id find lots of ppl to attack, and would attack them all at the same time, to maximise the amount of cash i got at the one point, and hopefully be able to upgrade my defenses or something.

Anyway, I attack this guy called mauranius, woop his arse and steal only 295,139 gold from him (out of a possible 450,000). Heres the ensuing conversation -

**** I'm online, you're dead

Sucks to be you

my 3 alliances will make u pay for this, you will get sabotaged by everyone, you are now added to the list :D, have you seen my commander, and my command chain? (The imperial guard) that's just 1 alliance, I'm also member of elfodia's kingdom and lat but not least: infiltrated interference. If i watch the page #1 in the war room, 95% of it is my alliance :D

You just got yourself killed :D

(not too sure what i said here cos KoC deleted it for some reason it was something along the lines of:)
Seriously man i only stole like 300k, its not worth crying over, surely you get attacked all the time

It doesn't matter any more, i reported you to my commanders, you will be sabotaged, attacked and killed.


"i reported you to my commanders"

did you go crying to mummy & daddy??

Nope to my big brother and he's going to kick your butt

close enough

i bet you're what about 13?


seriously man, get over it. how many people have you done this to now, you mustve been attacked many many times before, god knows i have

and what do i do?

i get over it

its just a game, theres no need to sit there and cry about a few 1s and 0s

I'm now eagerly awaiting his response. Shall keep you all posted :P

Weekend Roundup, Laurie Style

Well as previously mentioned I was planning on going out friday night, but much to my disgust i get a message from shorty saying "im too much of a pansy to go out tonight, have to do it some other time" or something to that extent. Anyway after many many attempted phonecalls to talk to shorty and abuse him, I gave up on the thought of going out friday night. I ended up having a nice quiet one at home/alanas house.

Come saturday, a journey was planned to james st in the valley for some positively delicious food, which was purchased and taken home and cooked and eaten. Bruschetta and fresh made fruit juice, along with BBQ lamb marinated in rosemary and red wine was devoured but the hungry laurie and alana, with much fullness and tiredness ensuing.

Saturday night involved us attending a 21st of one of alana's cousins, which involved much twiddling of thumbs and talking to old people we didnt really know. For those of you who dont have the pleasure of having a cousin, then you won't understand the agonising pain of attending their parties in which you don't know anyone other than relatives. Well you'd think the party was like that but in the end it came good. much vodka was drunk and bad karaoke involving the dancing queen and the ITS UP TO YOU, NEW YORK, NEW YORK song being sung which resulted in much hilarity.

Valley was planned for afterwards, however alana being the damn piker she is, piked on shorty and i and proceeded to go home to bed. I made my way in to the valley to meet shorty, in a taxi in which the taxi driver was telling me about this pyramid scheme where he makes lots of money using a program to find bookies or some shit. Ahh well it sounded good at the time. He was also an IT nerd so nerd talk was exchanged, and many 1s and 0s flowed between us. (hey take that one however you want)

Finally met up with shorty and walking down the mall at 11pm i thought "fuck where is everyone?". Thinking there was noone out we went to the beer garden where much piss was sunk for $6.50 a drink. Now correct me if im wrong, but the beer garden isnt the classiest of places, and i dont think they have the right to charge $6.50 for a glass of spirits. Shorty and I pondered this for a while, before heading off to the mustang bar to pop our mustang bar cherries.

Here we found the reason why noone was around.

walking up to the bar, we were deafened by a loud roar from the masses of people who had crammed in to the mustang bar. Looking over to the far wall i saw a huge projection of the australia vs south africa game. AHHH so this is why theres noone around, theyre ALL IN TEH FUCKEN MUSTANG BAR.

seriously i couldnt move for all the people around.

anyway we ended up heading over to the family for some dancage and more drinks, entering the family we laughed at a guy getting tossed out by the scruff of his neck, and proceeded into the depths. Here i gave shorty a short lesson on why ravers are gay and what one looks like (pointing to the asian chick with glowsticks everywhere who was dancing like she was drowning)

ahh i cant work those people out
here lets put on some bright orange pants and cover that with some fluro yellow and pinnk paint then get some dayglo strips and put it around my cock so that when im fucking my boyfriend i can see it go in and out.

anyway speaking of raver rants, nye hurry up and get my rant off ur pda

back to my weekend....
so we leave the family at 2:30am, looking for a cab. every street corner is packed with a line of people waiting for a cab about 100 people long.

Being the cunning man I am i devised a plan to go to the source of the cabs - walk out toward the suburbs, where surely we'd get a cab before everyone else.

But that was not to be.

After walking for like an hour around randomly, and hailing like 100 cabs we finally got cab driver who said "well if you put the effort in to come out this far and you dont look too drunk then i'll pick you up"

i like that theory

so yeh

dont go out on a night when theres a big footy game on, unless you're like me and arent all that interested and thus dont realise that its on.

bah damn brisbane public transport shittiness

Today was spent at my niece's baptism at st pauls chapel. damn that brought back some memories, some good some bad. The hippy woman who was the padawan priest while father george was there was our priest and she was pretty cool. Didnt smoke any drugs tho, or wear tie dye...

so afterwards alana went home for her lunch date with nadia & i proceeded to the after christening lunch at karli's (my sister in law) parents place. I managed to sit there and not talk to karen garten the alcoholic who is constantly drunk and then proceeded to sit there tlaking to my parents cos i hardly knew anyone. Ahh parties where u dun know anyone are great... cough

thats my weekend roundup
laurie out

Thursday, August 19, 2004


So i go upstairs cos i got the munchies from drinking today

get a box of jatz, collect a can of coke on my way down

put my hand in the jatz box, pull out a fucking spoon

what the fuck

personally i blame the schools

Ahh MSN Search can you get any more fucked up?

We can't find ""

Did you intend to go to one of these similar Web addresses?

You can also visit one of these related Web sites.

Fuck you MSN now i cant even remember what i was searching for

A day in the life of a university student

time for a simple maths lesson children

uni + lecture = boring


uni + lecture + lecturer who spends 5 minutes on each slide = ultra boring


uni + lecture + lecturer who spends 5 minutes on each slide + uni pub halfway thru = fun as can be

got me?

So a summary of my day

8:50am - Get up, eat breakfast, shower, get dressed etc

9:45am - Leave to catch train from bray park station

9:55am - Catch train from bray park station

~10:10am - Meet alana on the train at geebung station

10:30am - train arrives at central station & say au revoir to alana as i make my trek to uni

11:00am - lecture on web programming starts, thus begins the boringness of my day, and also thus begins the 10 - 15 minutes per slide where theres 35 slides for the lecture. fuck my lecturer can rave on about crap, and even simple shit like how a web server works & how the client sends shit to the web server, I mean what kind of moron in IT doesnt understand that???

12:00pm - Luke, Nat & I decide that this lecture is too fucken slow and boring to hang around, we make the holy trek to the uni pub, where much alcohol is anticipated to be drunk

Somewhere between 12:00pm and 4:00pm - We drink lots of alcohol and play lots of pool, I manage to get better as drinks are served & consumed muchly. Barman gives us a free half jug of bundy as he screwed up someones order & i praise him. Nat and I have an in dept conversation about music & how much luke has changed since he got a girlfriend.

5:00pm - On the train, busting to piss, ready to piss myself on the train, running to the bray park station toilets to let it all out in a torrent of yellow fever (waht the fuck? yellow fever? must be back in nam...)

5:30pm - sitting here trying to make sense of waht the fuck i just wrote about yellow fever, just got a message from cameron saying "i cancelled goin to the movies with shorty on tuesday night" and im like "wat the fuck this isnt tuesday"

5:31pm - Planning on making myself a cocktail

5:32pm - just decided that the uni pub is the greatest thing ever

5:32pm & 12 seconds - I like getting free grog

5:37pm - I'm still drunk

so anyway
heres the moral of the story -
Uni is great to learn and all but its even greater when you go there and sink some piss & get wasted. 2 jugs of bundy isnt enough to get laurie wasted, even when half of one is free, so bundy should make more alcoholic bundy pre mix. Shorty and I are going out to the valley friday night and anyone who wishes to come is more than welcome. Take care of yourselves and each other.

So my current plan for the rest of the night is to sink some more piss in cocktail form (i hope i have enuff cointreau) and laff at the weird/funny posts im sure ill make tonite that wont make sense.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Dear Diary....


First Post

So like if this was slashdot, I'd be the geek queen.

Summarising my weekend:
Friday night:
Sat on my arse and had a cocktail or two at home

Saturday night:
Went to a 21st where much piss was sunk, movies were made on my phone of Kylie being very drunk and yelling "I'M PISSED" at the camera, pashing off with a lifesize soft toy of kermit the frog & sucking on kermits toes.

I'm as disturbed as you are.

I also managed to claim a small victory for all us ricer haters, as I slapped one of the enemy upside the face, as outlined in Meakin's post

In other news, nye is gay and my brand new computer is still crashing (as far as I can tell), and I'll be jet setting off to the USA over xmas/new years with that little coon you all know as cameron bull.

It shall be a hoot.